Submit Guest Post

We accept guest articles for our blog. We have a few guidelines for a guest article:

  • The article should be unique and related to our blog’s niche. Copied or spun articles will be simply ignored
  • We prefer at least 700 words for an article with proper visual elements (images/videos/infographics) wherever necessary. The article must be well formatted with proper use of Headings and Paragraphs
  • We do not allow any do-follow outbound links from within the article. 1-2 outbound links to authority sites are fine if any reference is used. However, you can have at max 2 links to your blog/social media profiles from the author bio
  • We reserve the right to remove any link(s) or article itself

Please send in your guest articles to [email protected] with a subject as Guest Article for Blog Router.

If you have any further query regarding the guest article, or if you are looking for a sponsored article at, please contact us.